Civil Society Organizations Launch “Principles for a Fair JETP” 

2024-06-15T20:05:59+07:0010 June 2024|Energy, English, Press Releases|

These guiding principles for global just transitions highlight the integral need for accountability, transparency, equity, and other principles in climate finance.

World’s Largest Economies Miss the Opportunity to Meet Climate Targets

2024-05-02T00:03:08+07:0030 April 2024|Energy, English, Press Releases|

G7 agreement to phase out coal power generation before 2035 does not align with the Paris Agreement target of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celcius.

CSOs Call on World Bank and IMF Meetings to Deliver Reform for Climate Justice

2024-04-19T04:26:42+07:0018 April 2024|Climate, English, Press Releases|

They are calling for urgent action to fix the world’s broken financial systems that are responsible for climate breakdown and entrenching inequality.

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